Grup  Arkadaşlarımız



Prof. Dr. Hamdi Şükür KILIÇ

  Prof.Dr. Hamdi Şükür KILIÇ  




Doç. Dr. Yasemin GÜNDOĞDU   Doç.Dr. Serap YİĞİT GEZGİN 




Prof. K.W.D.Ledingham

B.Sc.,Ph.D., D.Sc., F.Inst P., FRSE.

Professor of Physics, University of Strathclyde

William Penney Professor of Laser Nuclear Physics AWE plc

Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of Glasgow


Contracted Professor Selcuk University, Konya Turkey




Kenneth William David Ledingham


Date of birth:  27 October 1937  Married with two children




1959    Graduated BSc Hons. (University of Glasgow)

1963        Graduated PhD (University of Glasgow)

           Thesis Title “Investigations of Orbital Electron Capture

           Branching Ratios by Proportional Counter Methods”

           Awarded Thompson Research Prize

1977    Elected F.Inst.P

1995        DSc (University of Glasgow)

           Thesis Title: “Resonat Ionisation Spectroscopy and some Application




1962-64      Appointed Asssitant Lecturer University of Glasgow

1965-66       Research Fellow Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia

1967           Appointed Lecturer University of Glasgow set up the weak interaction group

                   at the Kelvin Lab, University of Glasgow

1975           Sabbatical Leave at the Euratom Research Centre, Geel, Belgium

1987           Appointed Reader - University of Glasgow

1988-94      Consultant to Kratos Analytical, Manchester, UK

1988-92       Member of the International Selection panel of the ILL Reactor Grenoble

                  for Nuclear and Fundamental Physics

1991             Appointed Director of Scottish Universities Reactor Centre

1992             Member RIS International Advisory Committee

                  Co-ordinator European network (Germany, Sweden, Crete, Greece, England)

                  for laser analysis of biomolecules

1997-            Elected to the Physics College EPSRC

1998-            Re-elected to the RIS International Advisory Committee

1998             Invited member of the VULCAN users committee

2000            Sir William Penney Fellowship (AWE Ltd)

2001            Re-elected to the Physics College

2001           Professor – University of Glasgow

                   Member of advisory committee of  “ Lasers and Applications” 2002

2001            Elected to the High Power Prioritisation Panel RAL

2002            Appointed Professor of Physics at the University of Strathclyde

                   Appointed William Penney Professor of Laser Nuclear Physics (AWE plc)

2003            Visiting Professor , University of Osaka,  Japan

2004            Appointed Visiting Professor to the University of Jena, Geramany

2005            Carl Zeiss visiting Professor of Optics at the University of Jena

2007           Elected Forschungzentrum Dresden Rossendorf fellow

2009/10      Visiting scientist at Forschungzentrum (FZD)Dresden Rossendorf

2010-2015  International Advisory Board of the OncoRay-Cancer Centre Dresden

2011           Invited to be co-principal investigator with Academician Gennady Mesyats to establish  

                  “The Centre of High Energy Laser Physics” at the Lebedev Physical Institute in Moscow.

2011(4 months)  Visiting Scientist FZD Rossendorf Dresden

2012           Visiting Professor Hebrew University of Jerusalem awarded Lady Davis Fellowship

2012           Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh May 2012

2014           Contracted Professor to establish a laser driven proton and heavy ion therapy centre

                   (SULTAN) in Konya

2014           Invited on international advisory board for Laser Nuclear Centre in Bucharest (ELI)





1981          Assistant Director 1st British Summer School in Nuclear Physics

1983          Director 2nd British Summer School in Nuclear Physics (University of St Andrews)

1983-85     Visiting Lecturer to the University of St Andrews

1983              Set up the Laser Ionisation Studies Group at University of Glasgow.

                 June Organised the first Women in Physics  residential school to encourage

                 schoolgirls to study physics - sponsored by the Equal Opportunities Commission.

                 September  Director - 2nd National Postgraduate School in Nuclear Physics, St Andrews

1984         February Director first International Workshop on Laser Ionisation (Glasgow)

                Organised the second 'Women in Physics' sponsored by EOC.

1987         December With Professor J Hough and Dr N Robertson introduced the

                 Department’s first Christmas Lectures on Applications of Lasers for School Children.

1990-2      Committee Member and one of the principal lecturers NATO Summer School (SUSSP)

                 Quantitative Microbeam Analysis 1992

1991-2      Organised Scientific Demonstrations at the Dome of Discovery for children,  Glasgow.

1992             September Royal Society Invited lecture tour of China;  Anhui, Jilin and Tshinghua

                 Universities and the Academy of Sciences, Beijing.

1993         Opening Speaker -  SERC/IoP Meeting on Laser Ablation  at Queen’s University, Belfast

1994         July Committee Member and Session Chairman, RIS-94, Germany

                 September Committee Member and Lecturer, 1st EPSRC British School of

                 Laser Spectroscopy,

                 September Invited Speaker, Plenary Session on Laser Spectroscopy, Ioannina, Greece

1995.        Appointed to the International Editorial Advisory Board Analysis Europa

1996         Elected to EPSRC Physics College

1997          September Committee Member and Lecturer, 2nd EPSRC British School of

                 Laser Spectroscopy

1998          Member of the RIS 98 committee to be held in UMIST June 1998

1999          Scottish Enterprises Trade Mission to Silicon Valley – Academic representative-June

2000         Organised the High Intensity Laser Induced Proton Meeting at Rutherford Laboratory.

2000          Member of the international committee which organised RIS 2000 Knoxville, Tennessee.

2001          Member of the International Review Panel for the Helen Laser Upgrade MOD October

2002          One of the principal collaborators setting up the “Center for Ultra fast Nuclear & Material

                 Science”, University of Central Florida, Orlando Florida, USA.

2003          Re-elected to the EPSRC Physics College

2004          Elected to the International Committee on Ultra-Intense Lasers (ICUILS)

2005          Member of the EPSRC  “Strategic Advisory Team”

2006          Re-elected EPSRC Physics College

2007          Co-Host ISUILS 6 Conference, Pisa, Italy.

2008          Co organiser of the Nuclear Physics workshop of intense laser science in Trento, Italy

2009          International Committee ISUILS 8 Greece

2010          International Committee ISUILS 9 Hawaii

2011        Chairman of the SPIE conference on Medical Applications of Laser Generated

                Secondary Sources of Radiation and Particles, Prague, April 2011 Nuclear

2011        Member of the Nuclear Panel User Science at NIF

2011       Chairman of the An “International Initiative for Laser Acceleration Applied to

                Bio-Medicine, Imaging and Diagnostics” (IILAABID)

2013        Chairman of the SPIE conference on Medical Applications of Laser Generated

                Secondary Sources of Radiation and Particles, Prague, April 2013

2013       Co-Chairman CLEO2013 Nuclear Photonics June 2013

2014       Special Issue Editor Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417) Casting Light on Cancer


2015      Chairman of the SPIE conference on Medical Applications of Laser Generated

              Secondary Sources of Radiation and Particles, Prague, April 2015

2015      ELI-NP International Science Advisory Board  Danube Rumania 17-20th May 2015


EPSRC duties (UK Funding Authority)


June 1999 Chairman of EPSRC Nuclear Visiting Panel to University of Surrey .

Sept  1999 JREI  panel prioritisation panel.

April 2000 EPSRC Physics Prioritisation panel.

January 2001 New EPSRC Website design team.      Feb EPSRC Phyics Moderation panel

March 2001 CASIM Peer Review Panel – joint EPSRC/PPARC/MRC/BBSRC panel to review the future of Daresbury.

March 2002 4GLS Light Source Review Committee (Cross Funding Councils Committee)

May 2002   Member of the International Panel for the EPSRC “Laser Applications Theme Day”

January 2004 EPSRC Physics Prioritisation panel.

January 2005/6  member of the EPSRC  SAT committee.

2004-2010  Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College


Research Group Leader -  Laser Ionisation Studies



3 Academic Staff, 2 post docs, 1 technicians, 5 research students at present at different stages of completion and a number of collaborators from the University of Ioannina (Greece) and FORTH (Crete).  Recent collaborations set up with Imperial College, SURRC, Oxford and Paisley Jena.

Supervisor for more than twenty Ph.D. studensts

External Examiner    External Examiner for 14 PhD students and 2 M.Sc. students as well as Habilitation Examiner for the University of Cottbus.


Industrial Co-operation:


Gained industrial contracts from Kratos Ltd., Gortex, LGC  and Analytical Instruments Ltd, Shell U.K. in the 1980s and early 1990.  With HD Technologies won a SMART  award in 1995.  AWE Ltd 2000


Journal Refereeing: (averaging between 10 papers per annum)

            Referee for 

1)    J of Phys. B, G

2)    Royal Society of Chemistry

3)    Spectrochim. Acta.

4)    Int. J. of Mass Spect. & Ion Processes

5)    The Analyst

6)    Surface Science

7)      J. of Appl. Analytic Spectroscopy

8)      J.Chem.Phys,  J Phys.Chem

9)      Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry

10)    Phys Rev Lett

11)    Physical Review

12)    Chem.Phys.Lett.

13)    Nature

14)    Nature Physics


Published Papers


More than 250 refereed publications in journals and book chapters.



Science Funding Refereeing:


Member of the EPSRC Physics College

Regular referee for EPSRC grant proposals for both Physics,Chemistry and Engineering Committees.  NRC Canada, British Council, Soros Funding.


Research Grants Awarded


Year        Title                                         Awarding Grant Names of Grant Holders Body Awarded


1982/83  Laser Ionisation in Gases          SERC  £30,000  Ledingham & HEP

1983/84  Laser Ionisation in Gases          SERC   £13,000  Ledingham & HEP

1985      Laser Ionisation in Gases          SERC  £20,000  Ledingham & HEP

1986      Laser Ionisation in Gases          SERC  £3,500    Ledingham & HEP

1985/86  Laser Trace Analysis                 Wolfson £60,000  Ledingham & Cahill

1986/89  Laser Mass Spectrometer         RS Paul Fund £67,343_Ledingham

1986/87  An Assessment of RIMS           DOE £14,000  Ledingham  with Scott and Baxter (SURRC)

1986/89  Ultra Trace Analysis                  SERC £98,000   Ledingham, Jennings and Singhal

1988/89  Detection of Vapours               MoD £100,000  Ledingham, Jennings and Singhal

1989/91  Detection of Vapours               MoD £74,000   Ledingham, Jennings and Singhal

1989/90  Argon Ion Gun                          RS Paul Fund £23,000  Ledingham, Jennings and Singhal

1989/90  Argon Ion Gun                          Kratos Ltd £20,000  Ledingham, Jennings and Singhal

1991      Laser System                           RAL Laser Loan Pool

1991      Royal Society Fellowship awarded to Dr Li Wang

1992-93  Royal Society Wong Fellowship awarded to Dr Peng WeiXian

1992       British Council Studentship + Bench Fees  to Weijie Jia

1992-94  Detection of Vapours               DRA (MoD) £230,000_Ledingham, Jennings and Singhal

1993-94  Laser Detection of  Biomolecules EC  59,000ECU   Ledingham and Kosmidis

1994      Laser System                           RAL Laser Loan Pool

1994      Awarded a second hand Quantel Laser system from The Rutherford Laboratory.

1994      Royal Society Royal Fellowship awarded to Shi-liang Wang

1994      Turkish Government studentship given to Mamdi Kilic

1994      Femtosecond Laser Mass Spectrometry Programme accepted for Rutherford and Crete.

1995      Spent two months direct access at RAL and three weeks TMR programme in Crete

1996        Two months at RAL and three weeks in Crete.

1997        EPSRC £295,956 GR/L60333

           EPSRC £254383 GR/L37458 with the Universities of Reading, London, Queen’s, Oxford and RAL

1998        4 tickets TMR time with the University of Ioannina at RAL to study biomolecules.

1999        4 tickets access time to VULCAN

1999    NERC Grant for particulate matter with Steve Hankin £93,000

2000        4 tickets direct acces time on ASTRA

2000       EPSRC grant GR/N33188/01  £1209419

2001        Sir William Penney Fellowship £258891 AWE Ltd

2002        AWE grant for laser induced nuclear isomer production  £20000

2002    Basic Technology Grant  £4,000,000 “Developing Laser Plasma Accelerators”

           With D.Jaroszynski, K.W.D.Ledingham (Strathclyde) and IC, RAL, Oxford and Daresbury.

2003        AWE grant for Laser Induced Nuclear Physics £140,000

2005-2008 SUPA 1 Laser Driven Plasma Nuclear physics £377,000

2006       Co-investigator Basic Technology Grant EP/E032907/ £4874043. “Laser Energised Radiation


2007-2010  AWE grant for “Laser Driven Nuclear Physics” £190,444

2009-2011 DSTL grant  “High Intensity Laser Production of X-rays  £72,000

2013- 2015  University of Selcuk, Konya £26112 per annum


Invited Talks since Initiating Laser Ionisation Research at Glasgow


1       1st  National Postgraduate School in Nuclear Physics, Manchester, September 1981

2       Shell Research Centre, Thornton, Chester, October 1981

3       University of Glasgow (Natural Philosophy), February 1982

4       University of Liverpool (Physics), May 1982

5       University of Manchester (Physics), June 1982

6       University of Birmingham (Physics), October 1982

7       Rutherford Laboratory, March 1983

8       Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA, May 1983

9       University of Glasgow (Chemistry), May 1983

10       2nd National Postgraduate School in Nuclear Physics, St Andrews, September 1983

11       University of Glasgow (Mathematics), October 1983

12       University of Glasgow (Astronomy), October 1983

13       Institute of Physics - Scottish Branch, November 1983

14       International Workshop in Laser Ionisation, University of Glasgow,  February 1984

15       Institute of Physics - Manchester Branch, November 1984

16       University of Edinburgh (Physics), January 1985

17       University of Oxford (Physics), March 1985

18       University of Dortmund, March 1985

19       Joint Research Centre Euratom, Geel, Belgium, April 1985

20       High Energy Physics Summer School, Rutherford Laboratory, September 1985

21       3rd National Postgraduate School in Nuclear Physics, St Andrews University,      September 1985

22       University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, January 1986

23       University of Glasgow - Lunchtime Talks, January 1986

24       University of Aberdeen, May 1986

25       British Aerospace, Bracknell, 1987

26       Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, November 1987

27       University of Birmingham, February 1988

28       Daresbury Laboratory, April 1988

29       ILL Reactor Laboratory, Grenoble, May 1988

30       4th Biennial National Atomic Spectroscopy Symposium, York, June 1988

31       ICI, Runcorn, October 1988

32       University of Edinburgh (Chemistry), October 1988

33       University of Glasgow (Electrical and Electronic Engineering), November 1988

34       Kratos Analytical, Manchester, July 1989

35       Int. Conference for Analytical Chemistry (SAC 89), Cambridge, August 1989

36       University of Glasgow - Lunchtime Talks, October 1989

37       University of East Anglia, Norwich, November 1989

38       National Physical Laboratory, January 1990

39       Royal Society of Chemistry, University of Surrey, March 1990

40       University of East Anglia, May 1990

41       Optogalvanic Spectroscopy Institute of Physics, University of Strathclyde, August 1990

42       University of Strathclyde - October 1990

43       University of Glasgow (Chemistry Department)  - October 1990

44       Royal Society of Chemistry - Laser Spectroscopy,  East Anglia, March 1991

45       Quantitative Microbeam Analysis Summer School (SUSSP) - RIMS,  August 1992

46       University of Anhui, China, September 1992

47       University of Jilin, China, September 1992

48       Tshingchua University, China, September 1992

49       Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, September 1992

50       Queen’s University, Belfast 1993

51       Edinburgh Internation Science Festival 1993

52       University of Sheffield Royal Microscopy Lecture May1994

53       University of Mainz Germany July 1994

54       University of Barcelona, Spain July 1994

55       University of Ioannina, Greece 1994

56       University of East Anglia  1st British Summer School in Laser Spectroscopy1994

57       Opened Set 95 University of Aberdeen March 1995

58       I.O.P.Congress, Telford Conference Centre, March1995

59       23rd Scottish Microscopy Symposium, November 1995

60       Biological Applications of Inorganic Mass Spectrometry, IFR Norwich 1995

61         Fettes College June 1996

62         Rutherford Appleton Laboratory November 1996

63         University of Nottingham Chemistry Department Dec 1996

64         Heriot Watt Chemistry Department May 1997

65         2nd British Post-Graduate School in Laser Spectroscopy East Anglia September 1997

66         University Of Glasgow Physics June 1998

67         RAL Summer meeting June 1998

68         RIS 98 Meeting UMIST 1998

69         University of Glasgow Chemistry Dept Nov 1998

70         University of St Andrews Physics Nov 1998

71         Imperial College Physics, Dec 1998

72         Caledonian University Feb 1999

73         High Intensity Conference France March 1999

74         IOP Plasma Meeting April 1999

75         Livermore Laboratory June 1999

76         AWE Aldermaston December 1999


Invited Talks in 2000


77         Open University January 2000

78         Dundee University February 2000

79         University of Glasgow (Phys.Soc) February 2000

80         Atomic systems in Extrem Fields Dresden March 2000

81         ECLIM 2000 Prague June 2000

82         University of Manchester July 2000

83         EURESCO Meeting at Maratea Italy Super Intense Laser Fields September 2000

84         RIS 2000, University of Tennessee October 2000

85         ESF ULTRA Meeting -University of Coinbra -Portugal October 2000


Injvited Talks in 2001


86         University of Reading, January 2001

87         University of Milan March 2001 -  Laser Induced Beams Workshop

88         American Society of Chemistry  -San Diego -April 2001

89         World Global Science Meeting – British Delegation –May 2001

90         University of Osaka – Chemistry Dept -June 2001

91         Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquee – Ensta –Paris June 2001.

92         2001 British Workshop in Positron Physics and Applications June 2001

93         University of  Bordeaux  September 2001

94         Higher Grade Chemistry Interest Conference  Glasgow City Hall  Nov 28th  2001


Invited Talks in 2002

 95         The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Hayama, March ,Japan, 2002

 96         IOP Congress Laser Production of Protons Brighton  April, 2002

 97         CLEO Tutorial Lecture Long Beach California  May, 2002

 98         Universities of Birmingham and Warwick  May  Royal Society of Chemistry, 2002

 99       29th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Montreux, Switzerland 

100     IQEC 2002   Moscow  Russia.  June 2002

101     JAERI Symposium on Control of Lasers for Strong Field Phenomena,

Kansai, Japan September. 2002

102    11th JST International Symposium on Control om Molecules in intense Laser Fields

Tokyo, Japan September 2002.

103    The University of Jena, Germany October 2002

104    The Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe, Germany October 2002

105     44th APS –DPP Meeting, Orlando Florida, USA, November 2002.

106     Particle Sources with High Intensity Lasers ESF meeting Paris December 2002


Invited Talks in 2003

107     Clarendon Laboratory University of Oxford  February 2003

108    “The RAL Lecture” Rutherford Appleton Laboratory March 2003

109    OECD Laser Bottlenecks Conference, Paris March 2003

110    The RAL Training week, March 2003

111    The Lund Laser Centre, University of Lund, Sweden, April 2003.

112    The GSI Laser Heavy Ion Workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany May 2003

113    38th The Particle Therapy Conference Chester, UK   May 2003

114    21st International Conference on Photochemistry, Nara, Japan, July 2003

115     International Symposium on Atoms, Molecules and Clusters in Intense Laser Fields,

Tokyo, Japan July 2003

116     Visiting Professor in Laser Nuclear Physics, University of Osaka, Japan,

           Sept-Nov 2003

117     Japan Physical Society Meeting, University of Okayama.September 2003

118     Laser Ion Beam Workshop at SPring-8 at Himeji.

119     Seminar at ILE, Osaka University. September 2003

119     Seminar at Advanced Photon Research Centre,  JAERI .October 2003

120     Seminar at Central Institute of the Electric Power Industry, Tokyo. October 2003

121     Seminar at Osaka City University.November 2003

122     Japanese Society of Plasma Science, Mito City. November 2003.


Invited Talks in 2004


123        Seminar Technische Universitaet, Darmstadt January 2004.

124        High Intensity Laser Matter Interaction, University of Jena, March 2004

125        International Nuclear Physics Conference, Goteborg, Sweden,  June 2004

126        International Workshop on Lasers and Nuclei, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 2004.

127        International Sumposium on Ultra Fast Intense Laser Science, Palermo, Sicily, 2004

128        8th Workshop of fast Ion –Atom Collisions, Debrecen, Hungary, September 2004

129        Workshop on High Intensity Laser Science, Kloster Banz, Germany November 2004

130        Seminar at the University of Jena, November 2004


Invited Talks in 2005


131        Seminar University of York February, 2005

132        DPG International Year of Physics 2005, Berlin Germany, March.

133        RAL training week invited talk March 2005

134        RANK Prize Symposium on High Intensity Laser Plasma Interaction, April, 2005

135        BIPM Meeting, Paris, May 2005

136        MBI Presentation, Berlin May 2005

137        Soreq Nuclear Centre Presentation, Tel Aviv, Israel, May 2005

138        University of Dresden, Germany, Summer School August 2005

139        Superstrong Fields in Plasmas 3rd International School, Varenna September 2005

140        University of Jena, Germany,October 2005.

141        ELI meeting, ENSTA, Paris, December 2005


Invited Talks in 2006


142        University of Plymouth, January 2006

143        FAIR Meeting, Daresbury, January 2006

144        26th International Workshop on Physics of High Energy in Matter, Hirschegg, Austria, January 2006

145        23rd Conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel, Dead Sea, February 2006.

146        BA Meeting at the Science Centre, Glasgow

147        Imperial College, March 2006.

148        IOP Nuclear Physics Conference York, April 2006

149        VII International Workshop on Application of Lasers in Atomic Nuclei Resaerch,

Poznan, Poland May 29th-June 1 2006.

      150    29th ECLIM Meeting, Madrid, 11-16th June 2006

150        XII International Conference in Laser Optics – 2 Invited presentations- St Petersburg,

               Russia June 26-30, 2006

151        Isuils 5 Meeting, Lijiang, China November/December 2006


Invited talks in 2007


152        iThemba Nuclear Laboratories, Capetown, South Africa January 2007

153        GSI Colloquium Darmstadt, January 2007

154        WE-Haraeus Seminar, February 2007

155        SUPA 1 Presentation, University of Strathclyde, February 2007

156        Oncology Meeting University of Strathclyde, March 2007

157        Royal Society Meeting London September 2007

158        ISUILS 6 Meeting Sicily September 2007

159        FZD Presentation Dresden, September 2007

160        Max Planck Institute Dresden Nov 2007

161        University of Jena, Germany Nov. 2007


Invited Talks in 2008


162   Two lectures in High Intensity laser physics, Cairo, January 2008

163    University of Strathclyde, February 2008

164    DPG Spring Meeting, Darmstadt, March 2008

165    ECT Meeting, Trento July 2008

166    Rutherford Appleton VULCAN upgrade meeting July 2008

167    Rutherford Appleton Laboratory October 2008


 Invited Talks in 2009


168   Wilfred Galster Memorial Meeting May 2009

169    Nuclear Physics Institute, Bucharest, October 2010

170    ELI Conference Braqsov, Romania October 2010

171    ELI Workshop, Palaiseau, Paris, December 2010


Invited Talks in 2010


172    University of Strathclyde, February 2010

173   3rd International Workshop on Ultrafast Laser Technology, Cairo, April 2010

174    AWE Presentation, Aldermaston July 2010

175    3 Lectures at the SUSSP International Summer School, Heriot Watt,

          August 2010

176    Plasma Meeting University of Strathclyde, October 2010

177    ISUILS 9 Maui Hawaii, December 2010.


Invited Talks in 2011


178    Nuclear Astrophysics workshop at NIF Notre Dame University, London, March 2011

179    9th International OSA Network of Students (IONS) Conference, Salamanca

          April 2011

179    NIF Workshop, Washington May 2011


Invited talks in 2012


180     Herbrew University  Jerusalem, March 2012

181     Soreq Nuclear Centre, Israel May 2012

182     Carpathian Summer School of Physics, Romania, June 2012

183     LA3NET Ganil, France October 2012

184     Israel Laser Conference Tel Aviv December 2012


      Invited Talks in 2013


       185   Freeman Hospital Newcastle Lasers in Oncology Feb 2013

       186   Laser Production of Protion Beams in “Topical Problems in Biophotonics”

                Nizhny Novogorod, Russia, July 2013

       187   SPIE Conference, Prague April 2013

       188   Laser Proton Therapy Working Group, Reno, USA  September 2013

       189   University of Selcuk, Konya, Turkey April/May 2013  Lecture 1

       190   University of Selcuk, Konya, Turkey April/May 2013  Lecture 1

       191   CHILI  workshop December 2013  Tel Aviv Israel


      Invited Talks in 2014


      192. University of Strathclyde Seminar February 2014

      193  Afyon Workshop, Turkey March 2014

      194  Lasers for Life Royal Society London June  2014 

      195 Turkish Physical Society 31st International Physics Congress, Bodrum 21-24 July 2014


Invited Talks 2015


         196  1st ELI-NP Summer School 21-25 September  Bucharest-Magurele Rumania


Invited Talks 2016

         197 Charterhouse School Guilford England January 2016

         198 CHILI 2016 Tel Aviv Israel  Feb 22nd -24th 2016  



Last 10 Years publications






206 Femtosecond Ionisation and Dissociation of Laser Desorbed Nitro-PAHs

       A.D.Tasker,  L.Robson, K.W.D.Ledingham, T.McCanny, P.McKenna, C.Kosmidis,


 Int.J.Mass Spectr  2003, 225, 53-70


207 Experimental Study of Proton Emission from 60 fs, 200 mJ 1 Hz "Table-Top" Laser Pulses

       Interacting with Solid Targets

       I.Spencer, K.W.D.Ledingham, P.McKenna, T.McCanny, R.P.Singhal, E.L.Clark, K.Krushelnick,

       P.A.Norreys, R.J.Clarke,P.Foster, D.Neely, A.J.Langley, E.J.Divall, C.J.Hooker

      Phys. Rev. E. 2003, 67, 046402


208 Experimental Study of Proton Emission from 60 fs, 200 mJ 1 Hz "Table-Top" Laser Pulses

       Interacting with Solid Targets

       I.Spencer, K.W.D.Ledingham, P.McKenna, T.McCanny, R.P.Singhal, E.L.Clark, K.Krushelnick,

       P.A.Norreys, R.J.Clarke,P.Foster, D.Neely, A.J.Langley, E.J.Divall, C.J.Hooker

       Virtual J.of Ultrafast Science, Vol2 Issue 5 May 2003



209 Laser Induced Nuclear Physics and Applications

        K.W.D.Ledingham, R.P.Singhal, P.McKenna, I.Spencer.

       To Appear in “Relativistic Optics” Eds G.A.Mourou, C.P.J.Batty, M.D.Perry, Springer


210 Applications for Nuclear Phenomena Generated by Ultra-Intense Lasers

K.W.D.Ledingham, P.McKenna, R.P.Singhal 

Science, 300, 1107-1111, 2003


211 Demonstration of Fusion Evaporation and Direct-Interaction Nuclear Reactions Using

High Intensity Laser Plasma Accelerated Ion Beams

P.McKenna, K.W.D.Ledingham, T.McCanny, R.P.Singhal, I.Spencer, M.I.K.Santala, F.N.Beg,

K.Krushelnick, M.Tatarakis, M.S.Wei, E.L.Clark, R.J.Cklarke, K.L.Lancaster, P.A.Norreys,

K.Spohr, R.Chapman, M.Zepf

        PRL 91, 7, 075006, 2003


212 The Effect of Target Heating on Ion-Induced Reactions in High Intensity Laser-Plasma


 P.McKenna, K.W.D.Ledingham, T.McCanny, R.P.Singhal, I.Spencer, E.L.Clark, F.N.Beg,

 K.Krushelnick, M.S.Wei, J.Galy, J.Magill, R.J.Clarke, K.L.Lancaster, P.A.Norreys

 Accepted for publication APL


213 Proton Beams Generated with High-Intensity Lasers: Applications to PET Isotope


         S.Fritzler, V.Malka, G.Grillon, J.P.Rousseau, F.Burgy, E.Lefebve, E.d’Huemieres

         P.McKenna, K.W.D.Ledingham.

         APL 83, 3039, 2003


214 Propagation instabilities of high intensity laser-produced electron beams

        M. Tatarakis, F. N. Beg,E., L. ClarkA., E. Dangor, M-S. Wei, P. A. Norreys, M. Zepf,

        K.W.D. Ledingham,T. J. Goldsack M. A. Sinclair, R. D. Edwards, R. G. Evans and K. Krushelnick

.       PRL, 90, 175001, 2003


215 Propagation instabilities of high intensity laser-produced electron beams

       M. Tatarakis, F. N. Beg,E., L. ClarkA., E. Dangor, M-S. Wei, P. A. Norreys, M. Zepf,

       K W.D. Ledingham,T. J. Goldsack M. A. Sinclair, R. D. Edwards, R. G. Evans and K. Krushelnick

       Virtual J.of Ultrafast Science Vol2, Issue 5, 2003


216  Analytical Instrumentation. Performance Characteristics and Quality  G.Currell



        Contemporary Physics, 44, 158-159, 2003.

217Laser- driven photo- transmutation of 129I – a long-lived nuclear waste product

       K.W.D.Ledingham, J.Magill, P.Mckenna, J.Yang, J.Galy, R.Schenk, J.Rebizant, T.Mccanny,

       S.Shimizu, L.Robson, R.P.Singhal, M.S.W.ei, S.P.D Mangles, P.Nilson, K.Krushelnick,



       J.Phys.D: Appl. Phys. 36, L79-L82, (2003)






218  Nuclear Reactions in Copper Induced by Protons from a Petwatt Laser-Foil Interaction

J.M.Yang, P.McKenna.K.W.D.Ledingham, T.McCanny, S.Shimizu, L.Robson, R.J.Clarke,

D.Neely, P.A.Norreys, M.S.Wei, K.Krushelnick, P.Nilson, S.P.D.Mangles, R.P.Singhal

APL 84, 675-677, 2004


219   Nuclear Reactions in Copper Induced by Protons from a Petwatt Laser-Foil Interaction

J.M.Yang, P.McKenna.K.W.D.Ledingham, T.McCanny, S.Shimizu, L.Robson, R.J.Clarke,

D.Neely, P.A.Norreys, M.S.Wei, K.Krushelnick, P.Nilson, S.P.D.Mangles, R.P.Singhal

 February 2004 issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science.


220  High Intensity –Laser-Driven Z pinches

F.N.Beg, E.L.Clark, M.S.Wei, A.E.Dangor, R.G.Evans, A.Gopal, K.L.Lancaster, K.W.D.Ledingham, P.McKenna, P.A.Norreys, M.Tatarakis, M.Zepf, and K.Krushelnick

Phys.Rev. Lett. 92, 095001 (2004)


221  Target Charging Effects on Proton Acceleration During High-Intensity

Short-pulse laser-solid interactions

F.N.Beg, M.S.Wei, A.E.Dangor, A.Gopal, M.Tatarakis, K.Krushenlick, P.Gibbon,

A.L.Clark, R.G.Evans, .K.L.Lancaster, P.A.Norreys, K.W.D.Ledingham, P.McKenna, M.Zepf

Applied Physics Letters 84, 2766, (2004)


222  Characterisation of 7Li(p,n)7Be neutron yields from laser producerd ion beams for

Fast neutron radiography

K.L.Lancaster, S.Karsch, H.Habara, F.N.Beg, E.L.Clark, R.Freeman, M.H.Key, J.A.King, R.Kodama, K.Krushelnick, K.W.D.Ledingham, P.McKenna, C.D.Murphy, P.A.Norreys, R.Stephens, C.Stoeckl, Y.Toyama, M.S.Wei, M.Zepf

Physics of Plasmas, 11, 3404-3408, 2004


223  Characterisation of Proton and Heavier Ion Acceleration in Ultrahigh-Intensity Laser

         Interactions with heated Target Foils

          P.McKenna, K.W.D.Ledingham, J.M.Yang, L.Robson, T.McCanny, S.Shimizu, R.J.Clarke,

          D.Neely, K.Spohr, R.Chapman, R.P.Siunghal, K.Krushelnick, M.S.Wei, P.A.Norreys

          Phys.Rev.E 70, 036405, 2004


224  Observation of Filamentation of High Intensity Laser Produced Electron Beams

M.S.Wei, F.N.Beg, E.L.Clark, A.E.Dangor, R.G.Evans, A.Gopal,K.W.D.Ledingham,

P.McKenna, P.A.Norreys, M.Tatarakis, M.Zepf, K.Krushelnick,

Phys.Rev.E 70, 056412, 2004


225  Neutron production by fast protons from ultraintense laser-plasma interactions
        J M Yang, P McKenna, K W D Ledingham, T McCanny, L Robson, S Shimizu, R J Clarke et al,

        Journal of Applied Physics, 96, 11, 6912-6918, 2004

226 Nuclear Reactions in Copper Induced by Protons from a Petwatt Laser-Foil Interaction

J.M.Yang, P.McKenna.K.W.D.Ledingham, T.McCanny, S.Shimizu, L.Robson, R.J.Clarke,

D.Neely, P.A.Norreys, M.S.Wei, K.Krushelnick, P.Nilson, S.P.D.Mangles, R.P.Singhal

         Virtual Journal of Ultra-Fast Science, vol 3,2 (2004)


227 High Power Laser Production of Short-Lived Isotopes for Positron Emission Tomography

       K.W.D.Ledingham, P.McKenna, T.McCanny, S/Shimizu, J.Yang, L.Robson, J.Zweit, J.M.Gillies,

       J.Bailey, G.N.Chimon, R.J.Clarke, D.Neely, P.A.Norreys, J.L.Collier, R.P.Singhal, M.S.Wei,

       S.P.D.Mangles, P.Nilson, K.Krushelnick, M..Zepf

       J.Phys.D Appl.Phys. 37, 2341-2345, 2004.





228 Volumetric Intensity Dependence on the Fomation of Molecular and Atomic Ions

         within a High Intensity Laser Focus

         L.Robson, K.W.D.Ledingham, P.McKenna, T.McCanny, S.Shimuzu, J.M.Yang, C-G.Wahlstrom,

         R.Lopez-Martens, K.Varju, P.Johnsson, J.Mauritsson

         J.American Society for Mass Spectrometry 16, 82-89, (2005)


229 Interaction Mechanism of Some Alkyl Iodides with Femtosecond Laser Pulses

         C.Kosmidis, P.Siozos, S.Kaziannis, L.Robson, K.W.D.Ledingham, P.McKenna, D.A.Jaroszynski

         J.Phys.Chem. A 109, 1279-1285, (2005)


230  Broad Energy Spectrum of Laser-Accelerated Protons for Spallation-Related Physics

        P.McKenna, K.W.D.Ledingham, S.Shimizu, J.M.Yiang, L.Robson, T.McCanny,

        J.Galy, J.Magill, R.J.Clarke, D.Neely, P.A.Norreys, R.P.Singhal,

        K.Krushelnick and M.S.Wei

        Phys.Rev.Lett. 94, 084801 (2005)


231 Laser Accelerated Ions and Electron Transport in Ultra-Intense Laser Matter Interaction

M.Roth, E.Brambrink, P.Audebert, A.Blazevic,, R.Clarke, J.Cobble, T.E.Cowan

J.Fernandez, J.Fuchs, M.Geissel, D.Habs, M.Hegelich, S.Karsch, K.Ledingham, D.Neely, H.Ruhl, T.Schlegel and J.Schreiber.

Laser and Particle Beams, 23, 95-100, (2005)


232 Laser Induced Nuclear Physics and Applications.


Nuclear Physics A 752, 633c-644c, (2005)


233  REVIEW: Nuclear physics with ultra-intense lasers – Present status and future prospects

        Ravi P Singhal, Kenneth W D Ledingham and Paul McKenna

        Recent Research Developments in Nuclear Physics Vol 1 December 2004 pages 147-169

        ISBN 81-7895-124-X


234  Interaction Mechansim of Some Alkyl Iodides with Femtosecond Laser Pulses

      C.Kosmidis, P.Siozos, S.Kaziannis, L.Robson, K.W.D.Ledingham, P.McKenna and


      J.Phys.Chem. A 2005, 109, 1279-1285


235 Laser Accelerated High Quality Ion Beams

        M.Roth, A.Blazevic, E.Brambrink, M.Geissel, T.E.Cowan, J.Fuchs, A.Kemp, H.Ruhl, P.Auderbert,

        J.Cobble, J.Fernandez, M.Hegelich, S.Letzring, K.Ledingham, P.McKenna, R.Clarke, D.Neely,

        S.Karsch, D.Habs, J.Schreiber

        Hyperfine Inreactions (2005) DOI 10.1007/s10751-005-9202-4  Springer 2006






236 Molecular Hydrogen Ion Elimination from Alkyl Iodides Under Strong Laser Beam


C.Kosmidis, S.Kaziannis, P.Siozos, A.Lyras, L.Robson, K.W.D.Ledingham, P.McKenna, D.A.Jaroszynski

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 248, 2006, 1-8.


237  Desktop Accelerators – Going Up


         Nature-Physics Vol.2 January 2006 11-12


238  Laser Plasma Acceleration of Quasi-Monoeneregetic Protons from Microstructured Targets

        H.Schwoerer, S.Pfoten hauer, O.Jackel, K-U.Amthor, B.Liesfeld, WR.Sauerbrey,

        K.W.D.Ledingham and T.Ezirkepov.

        Nature 439, 445-448, 2006


239  The Detection of Short Lived Radioisotopes as a fast Diagnostic for Intense Laser

         Solid Interactions.

        R.J.Clarke, K.W.D.Ledingham, P.McKenna, L.Robson, T.McCanny, D.Neely, O.Lundh

        F.Lindau, C-G.Wahlstrom, P.T.Simpson, M.Zepf

       Applied Physics Letters 89, 141117 2006


240 Teilchenbeschleunigung und Unruh-Strahlung 

      Ken W.D.Ledingham and Roland Sauerbrey

       Physik in Unserer Zeit – Wiley-VCH 1/2006 (37) 8.


241 Radiological Characterisation of Photon Radiation from Ultra-High-Intensity

       Laser –Plasma and Nuclear Reactions

        R.J.Clarke, D.Neely, R.D.Edwards, P.N.M.Wright, K.W.D.Ledingham, R.Heathcote, P.McKenna,

       C.N.Danson, P.A.Brummitt, J.L.Collier, P.E.Hatton, S.J.Hawkes, C.Hernandez-Gomez,

       P.Holligan,  M.H.R.Hutchinson, A.K.Kidd, W.J.Lester, D.R.Neville, P.A.Norreys, D.A.Pepler,

       T.B.Winstone,  R.W.W.Wyatt and B.E.Wyborn

       J.Radiological Protection 26, 277-286, 2006


242 The Quest for Laser Induced Isomer Production

        Klaus M Spohr, Robert Chapman, Scott Hanvey, Ken Ledingham, Tom McCanny, Paul McKenna,

       Lynne Robson and Martin Shaw

       Journal of Modern Optics 53, 2633-2640, 2006


243 Laser-driven ion acceleration and nuclear activation" (Book Chapter) in

      “Lasers and Nuclei”

P.McKenna, K W D Ledingham, and L Robson

 edited by H Schwoerer, J Magill and B Beleites, Springer Heidelberg (2006) pp 91-108,


244  High Power Laser Production of PET Isotopes (Book Chapter) in “Lasers and Nuclei”

        L.Robson, P.McKenna, T.McCanny, K.W.D.Ledingham, J.M.Gillies and J.Zweit

        Edited by H.Schwoerer, J.Magill, and B.Beleites Springer Heidelberg (2006) 191-203


245 A vision for laser induced particle acceleration and applications


        Hyperfine Interactions 171, 69-81, 2006




246 Scaling of proton acceleration driven by petwatt-laser-plasma interactions

L.Robson,P.T.Simpson,R.J.Clarke,  K.W.D.Ledingham, F.Lindau, O.Lundh,, T.McCanny,

P.Mora, D.Neely, C-G Wahlstrom, M.Zepf and .,McKenna

       Nature Physics 3, 58-62, 2007


247  Lateral Electron Transport in High Intensity laser Irradiated Foils Diagnosed by

        Ion Omission

        P.McKenna, D.C.Carroll, R.J.Clarke, R.G.Evans, K.W.D.Ledingham, F.Lindau, O.Lundh,

        T.McCanny, D.Neely, A.P.L Robinson, L.Robson, P.T.Simpson, C.-G.Wahlstrom and M.Zepf

        Phys.Rev.Lett. 98, 145001-145004, 2007.


248 Low-and medium-mass ion acceleration driven by petawatt laser plasma interactions;
        P. McKenna, F.Lindau, O.Lundh, D.C.Carroll, R.J.Clarke, K.W.D.Ledingham, T.McCanny,

       D.Neely, A.P.L.Robinson, L.Robson, P.T.Simpson, C.-G.Wahlstrom and M.Zepf

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 49, B223 (2007)


249  Laser–Driven Proton Oncology – a Unique New Cancer Therapy

        K.W.D.Ledingham, W.Galster and R.Sauerbrey

        British Journal of Radiology 80, 855-858, 2007





250  Study of photo-proton reactions driven by bremsstrahlung radiation of high-intensity

        laser generated electrons"

       K. M. Spohr, M. Shaw, W. Galster, K. W. D. Ledingham, L. Robson, J. M. Yang, P. McKenna,

       T. McCanny, J. J. Melone, K.-U. Amthor, F. Ewald, B. Liesfeld, H. Schwoerer and R. Sauerbrey

       New J. Phys. 10, 043037 (2008).


251  Laser-driven nuclear physics

        P. McKenna, K. W. D. Ledingham, and G. Jaly

        Karlsruher Nuklidkarte, G. Pfennig, C. Normand, J. Magill, Th. Fanghanel (Editors),

        78-86  (2008).


252   Spectral shaping of laser generated proton beams

         S. M. Pfotenhauer, O. Jäckel, A. Sachtleben, J. Polz, W. Ziegler, H.-P. Schlenvoigt, K.-U.

        Amthor, M. C. Kaluza, K. W. D. Ledingham, R. Sauerbrey, P. Gibbon, A. P. L. Robinson

         and H. Schwoerer

        New J. Phys. 10, 033034 (2008).




253    Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science V

           K. Yamanouchi, A. Giulietti, and K. Ledingham (Editors),

           Springer-Verlag,Berlin(2010). ISBN: 978-3-642-03824-2


254    Laser-driven particle and photon beams and some applications

           K. W. D. Ledingham and W. Galster

           New J. Phys., 12, 045005, (2010).





255. The Characterisation of Permanent Magnetic Quadrupoles for Focussing Proton Beams"
        J.J. Melone, K.W.D. Ledingham, T. McCanny, T. Burris-Mog, U. Schramm,
        R. Grötzschel, S. Akhmadaliev, D. Hanf, K.M. Spohr, M. Bussmann , T. Cowan ,

        S. M.   Wiggins, M. R. Mitchell

        NIM A 676  126-134, (2012)


257.   A Comparison of Hard X-ray Production from Various Targets in Air using a short pulse

          kHz laser with Photon production from a High Power Multifilament Laser Beam from the

          Same Targets in Air.

         K.W.D.ledingham, S. S.Abuazoum, T.McCanny, J.Melone,K.Spohr, U.Schramm, S.D.Kraft

 ID.No 149730


258.   A Mass Spectrometric Investigation of Isomers of Butane

         Yilmaz Alic, Hamdi Sukur Kilic, Haziret Durmus, Mevlut Dogan.,KIen W.D. Ledingham,     

         Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 26, 893-905 (2012)


259   The Future of Laser Nuclear Physics,


         Carpathian Summer School, Romania July 2012 to be published






260   Proton Acceleration by an Ultrashort LASER Interaction with Structured Dynamic

          Plasma Targets,

          A.Zigler, S.Eisenmann, M.Botton, E.Nahum, E.Schleifer, Y.Pomerantz, F.Abricht, J.Branzel,

          G.Priebe, S.Steinke, A.Andreev, M.Schnuerer, W.Sandner, D.Gordon,P.Sprangle,


          PRL 110, 215004 (2013)


261  Operation of a Picosecond Narrow Bandwidth Laser-Thomson-Backscattering

          X-ray Source

           A.Jochmann, A.Irman, U.Lehnert, J.P.Couperus, M.Kuntzsch, S.Trotsenko, A.Wagner,

           A.D.Debus, H.P.Schlenvoigt, U.Helbig, S.Bock, K.W.D.Ledingham, T.E.Cowan,

           R.Sauerbrey, U.Schramm

           Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 309 (2013) 214-217.


262  High Resolution Energy-AngleCorrelation Measurement of Hard X-rays from

        Laser Thomson Backscattering

        A.Jochmann, A.Irman, M.Bussmann, J.P.Couperus, T.E.Cowan, A.D.Debus,  M.Kuntzsch,

        K.W.D.Ledingham, U.Lehert, R.Sauerbrey, H.P.Schlenvoigt, D.Seipt, Th. Stohlker, D.B.Thorn,

        S.Trotsenko, A.Wagner,U.Schramm

        PRL.111,114803, (2013)


263. Applications of Ultra-intense, Short Laser Pulses

      Ken Ledingham

      Ultrafast Non linear Optics  Robert Thomson, Christopher Leburn, Derryck Reid Eds pg 227-250

ISBN 978-3-319-00016-9

Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London





264  Towards Laser Driven Hadron Cancer Therapy: A Review of Progress

 K.W.D.Ledingham, P.R.Bolton, N.Shikazono and C.-M.Charlie Ma

  Appl. Sci. 2014, 4, 402-443:doi:10.3390/app4030402




265   Proceedings of SPIE Volume 9514

Laser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons and Ions III; and Medical Applications of Laser Generated  beams of Particles III


Kenneth W.D.Ledingham, Eric Esaray, Klaus Spohr, Carl B.Schroeder, Paul McKenna, Florian J. Gruner

Paul R. Bolton





266    The Wavelength Dependent Production of Carbon Clusters via Fragmentation of of the C60

         I Yasemin Gündoğdu1 Hamdi Sukur Kilic1,  Abdullah Kepceoğlu1, 2,Kenneth William David Ledingham1,3  

           Mehmet Akbas and Melut Dogan

           To be submitted

 267    Identification of the Isomers of Xylene Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Method
          Abdullah Kepceoğlu1, Hamdi Sukur Kilic1,2, Yasemin Gündoğdu1, and Kenneth William David Ledingham1,3

          To be submitted





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